In 2023 we had successfull partnership with Top Village Guest House Pty Ltd in Mahikeng.The purpose was to facilitate the convention of the business to accredited NSFAS students accomodation.
This is what we did and that got a our client to run smoothly and produced profitable monetary results:
• Created administration system to be adhered to by company management and its staff members.
• Assisted with the facilitation of the accreditation process in accordance with the Uniwest and NSFAS requirements by ensuring that the file is compliant to all required compliance certificates and documents.
• Assisted with drafting of lease contract,residence code of conduct enlightened with the university student behavioral policy.
• Provided business administration, leadership and management skills training including mentorship to key staff members and monitor their performance.
•Attendat all meetings at the university and reported to the owners and assisted with what was required per NSFAS and university.
• Provided Bookkeeping and management accounting services.
• Assisted with drafting of 5 years projected financial statements and business plan for funding application.
• Payroll management of all staff members.
• Provided cutomer service training to all staff members.
• Worked with company owners and listening to them to establish the needs towards the future opportunities and business expansion.
• Staff members empowered with knowledge to be able to get the job done for future.
• Student accomodation well managed for the 2023 academic year.
• Management and administration system in place for the company.
• 5.7 % profitable growth results for the company
• Loan application process done with the funding company for the client company
• Transition process done before end of ending of contract to client to run by themselves.
Contract dates: November 2022 to November 2023
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