- Serv B2B Marketplace
Posted 11/23/2020

B2B Marketing Strategies in South Africa

B2B Marketing Strategies in South Africa

Serv is a B2B Marketplace built to connect B2B SMEs with businesses seeking professional services such as HR, Accounting, Marketing, Web Development, IT and general Business Services.

What is a B2B and how does it differ from businesses that sell directly to a consumer, also known as B2Cs?

B2B stands for Business to Business,  these are businesses that sell business products and services to other businesses. 

The main differences between B2B and B2C

Since B2Bs and B2Cs are so different, their approach to key business processes such as marketing, their target market, sales funnel and strategies are also bound to differ. 

Here are three differences between a B2B and B2C business that you need to take note of: 

  • Target market

The target market is the biggest difference between B2C and B2B businesses. B2C businesses target the individual customer who is the decision maker, whereas with a B2B the decision maker is a group of individuals who make decisions on behalf of their business, such as the CEO or HR, or IT heads. 

  • Sales strategies 

How your customer makes a purchasing decision will also differ depending on whether you are a B2C or B2B. B2C customers are driven by emotion and experience, this is why it's important to speak to their emotions, as their purchase intent is largely driven by the benefit, experience and quality 

B2B customers are looking for logical reasons to make a purchase and are mostly driven by the need to get the most out of the purchase and get a solid return on investment. B2B customers also need to be educated and will want to know that the product or service will benefit their business and help them to reach their goals.  

  • Sale process

The sales process for B2B businesses deals largely with customer relationship management (CRM). It is important that you continually remind the customer of the value they will get by using your service, to upsell and to keep the lines of communication open. B2C businesses also need to constantly remind their target market of their product/service and to communicate it to remain top of mind. 

Find Out What To Do When You Get Your First Lead

There are several B2B Marketing strategies that small businesses can use to get the attention of their business decision-makers. These include the following:

  1. Website

A website can help businesses with building an online presence. The business will seem a bit more credible if customers can find them and find out more about their products and services. It also allows you to increase your website rankings on SERP through the use of SEO. 

  1. Social media

One other way to market a B2B business is through the use of social media, however not all social media platforms work for B2B businesses. LinkedIn is a great platform for B2B marketing, as well as Facebook Marketplace. 

  1. Referral marketing

Referral marketing is a great way to get new business. What is important is to ensure that your current clients are happy with your service and they would refer you to anyone who may need your services. 

  1. Advertising

Advertising is also very important for B2B businesses, however, how you speak needs to be suited to your target market. Instead of using emotive language, rather use a logical approach that emphasises the return on investment they can expect to get. 

  1. Lead nurturing

Lead generation and lead nurturing are other sure ways to get and keep customers. Gaining customers, especially B2B customers, is difficult. One way to get new customers is by buying leads. Serv is a B2B marketplace that allows SMEs to purchase qualified leads at affordable rates. 

Get Qualified Leads Straight To Your Inbox and Start to Lead Nurturing

How Serv Can Help You 

The great thing about signing up to a marketplace like Serv is that leads, or potential customers, come to you instead of you having to go out and find them. Once you have secured a lead all you have to do is convince them to choose you over your competitors.

Serv gives small B2B businesses a platform to shine and compete with big corporations. Join Serv Now for as little as R150 per month and get qualified leads straight to your inbox.

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